WoW Goes Trolling
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 27 2011 16:58 GMT in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
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Poor old Trolls – Azeroth hasn’t treated them too kindly over the years. They’ve either been comedy Jamaicans or murderous sword-fodder, so often denied the prestige and glory of Warcraft’s major races. And don’t even get me started on the raw deal the gnomes get… Anyway, the Trolls are getting their day in the sun for the latest WoW patch, 4.1, which sees the angrier arms of the family uniting and deciding to raise merry hell for everyone else. Essentially, it means a fun/bloody time for level 85 players, and it looks a little something like this. Warning: includes boulders. I say that in case anyone reading has a phobia of boulders. We’re a kinder, more considerate RPS these days.(more…)

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