Zen Pinball THD has a ball with Tegra 2 on Android devices
Posted by Joystiq May 10 2011 00:35 GMT in Zen Pinball
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Zen Studios has announced that it's readying a Tegra 2-only version of its PSN title Zen Pinball for compatible Android phones and tablets. Set to arrive "soon," the game will be going up against the just-released Pinball HD port for Google's mobile OS, which also requires Nvidia's dual-core chip to run.

The announcement says that "several" tables will be included in the Zen port, including the one featured in the latest DLC for the console version, "Sorcerer's Lair" (seen in the gallery below). Also to be expected: head-to-head online multiplayer and achievements.

Zen Pinball THD -- as it's called -- will be playable at Google's I/O 2011 conference in San Francisco tomorrow, May 10, and Wednesday.


that actually looks pretty damn sweet, I myself love pinball

Reply by Super-Claus May 09 2011 23:54 GMT
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