Ubisoft to Announce 'Ambitious' PC Game Very Soon--Speculation, Ahoy!
Posted by Giant Bomb May 12 2011 18:15 GMT in World of Warcraft
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Whenever a company teases a new game based on a "new business model," we wince a bit.

Most companies have become console-focused, outside of trying to topple World of Warcraft every few years. Tucked away in its earning release this morning, however, Ubisoft casually mentioned it would be announcing an "ambitious" PC game based on one of its "top gamer" franchises. Makes ya go hmm.

Here's the full quote:

"In the coming days," said Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot, "we will officially announce an ambitious project on PC based on one of our top gamer franchises that will illustrate our capacity to take advantage of new business models."

The last bit there set off some alarms: "new business models." Free-to-play remains a popular testing ground for Western companies, even if most commercial success is happening on Facebook. Ubisoft has been playing around with Facebook games for a while now, though, even debuting the first pieces of information about Assassin's Creed: Revelations through a recent Facebook-based viral campaign.

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