Good News, Bad News, Confusing News About Star Fox 64 3D
Posted by Giant Bomb May 12 2011 18:29 GMT in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS
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Star Fox 64, aka the best Star Fox.

While the lack of new content has me cautious about The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (ahem, not to mention the distinct lack of Majora's Mask), I could, however, go for a little more Star Fox in my life. Andriasang was following Japanese retailer Shibuya's Twitter feed during a Nintendo retail conference in Japan, wherein some new wrinkles about Star Fox 64 3D came out. Take a deep breath.

For one, the game will feature a 3DS mode, N64 mode and Battle mode. It's unclear whether the visuals revert to the original Nintendo 64 stylings during N64 mode, but that'd be a neat option. The differentiator may, however, refer to controls, as in 3DS mode, you're controlling the Arwing with 3DS' gyroscope. Players who were rightfully worried about forced motion controls can calm down.

As you might imagine, Battle mode refers to multiplayer, with Star Fox 64 3D supporting four players simultaneously. You'll even be able to send a temporary copy of the game to a nearby 3DS to increase the player count via download play. Buuuuuuut here comes the real bummer: there's no online support.

What? Argh. Dammit, Nintendo. I know, I know, I shouldn't have such high expectations, but still. Still.


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