Sweet Virtual On Posters Are Sweet, Perfect for Your iPhone/iPad/Other Mobile Device
Posted by Giant Bomb May 17 2011 17:56 GMT in Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor
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Sega hasn't done much worth getting excited about with the Virtual On series in a while, but like so many other of Sega's franchises from its arcade heyday, the series continues to inspire legions of fans to pine for the past.

One such fan is Dan Clarke, an artist over at JP74.com--and fellow mech aficionado. He's produced a series of rather awesome Virtual On posters for your perusal. Clarke hasn't yet committed to producing prints of the posters (though he should!), but they're currently the perfect size for mech-ing up your mobile device.

Makes you wonder what happened to the whole mech genre, anyway. Have we just moved on? Sega tried to revitalize Virtual On on Xbox Live Arcade, but that didn't go anywhere. Perhaps our savior is Capcom's Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, which swaps the controller of a thousand sons (and buttons) for a completely controllerless experience, relying on Microsoft's Kinect device.


Check out the rest of Clarke's posters on his website.

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