Konami Goes HD Collection Crazy, Announces MGS, Zone of the Enders, Silent Hill Collections
Posted by Giant Bomb Jun 03 2011 01:07 GMT in Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
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Though Konami's pre-recorded pre-E3 press conference was a bit of a letdown in terms of both big, new game announcements and the kind of Napoleon Dynamite-esque chicanery we've come to expect from them--pre-recording it might have, in fact, been specifically designed to counteract any unwanted stupidity--the publisher did have quite a showing when it came to HD collections of their own classic titles.

Over the course of the hour-long event, Konami announced individual HD Collections for the Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders, and Silent Hill franchises, all of which will be released between 2011 and 2012.

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, which is schedule for release this November, contains newly HD remastered versions of Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker--sadly, no original Metal Gear Solid, for as-yet-unknown reasons.

These are not emulated versions of the games, but rather updated versions specifically designed for the Xbox 360 and PS3. These versions will include all the usual bells and whistles, like upgraded audio, redrawn art, an updated UI, right analog/force feedback support, new trophies/achivements, and a new piece of tech Hideo Kojima has labeled "transfarring."

The oddly-named technology is designed to let players transfer save data between their PlayStation 3 and PSP systems, with the idea being that you will be able to simply play your game seamlessly at home, and on the go.

Next up is the Zone of the Enders HD Collection, which combines both Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner. Though nothing was specifically shown of this collection in action, Kojima explained that it would have the same transfarring tech as the MGS collection, and would be released in 2012.

Lastly, buried within the Silent Hill: Downpour section of the conference was a brief mention of the Silent Hill Collection, which puts remastered versions of Silent Hill 2 and 3 together into one package. No details of any kind were given beyond the list of games and their HD capabilities, so hopefully we'll get more info on that come E3.

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