Different: Brothers In Arms Furious 4
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 06 2011 22:03 GMT in E3 2011
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It sounds like the relatively austere Brothers In Arms series is moving away from its more realistic beginnings into a realm of CRAZY ACTION, with today’s announcement from Ubisoft: “Set in World War II, Brothers in Arms Furious 4 is a brutal first person shooter that offers an exciting campaign mode playable with up to four players in co-op, as well as an extensive competitive multiplayer mode. The story follows four fierce and fearless warriors tracking the Führer himself. As one of the Furious 4, players will use special weaponry and unexpected combat abilities to fight the greatest threat the world has ever faced: an experimental Nazi army conceived in secret by the Third Reich.” Experimental Nazi army? Could it have a… Robo-Hitler? Quite possibly, judging by the zany mutilation-happy bar-brawl in this CG trailer.

The game is being developed by Gearbox and released in the “first half” of 2012.(more…)

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