PSN Tuesday: Normalcy (don't forget about the free stuff)
Posted by Joystiq Jun 14 2011 23:10 GMT in PlayStation News
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You hear that? Listen ... it's almost calm. Almost normal. The regularly scheduled PSN update returns this week, following an extended hiatus that manifested itself in a content deluge slightly before E3 and throughout the week of gaming madness.

There are plenty of things to check out in this update, but it's probably worth repeating that you should grab those free games. Free games? Yeah, the free games and free PlayStation Plus membership you get as part of the "Welcome Back" program. You've only got until July 3, so get it out of the way now.

Casually stroll past the break for all this week's DLC. [Image credit: partybooper_rob]
Choose your platform to view the corresponding release list:
(Note: Continue past the break to view both release lists.)

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