You Can't Play the First Portal 2 DLC Without a $140 Controller
Posted by Giant Bomb Jun 17 2011 15:30 GMT in Portal 2
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Portal 2 fans have been eagerly awaiting the promised free DLC from Valve since the game's release. Today, there is DLC for Portal 2, but it's not free, and it's not from Valve.

Dude! They're rescaling the crap outta that cube!

Rather, it's a pack of ten levels developed by Sixense Studios, a collective of motion-sensing evangelists that have partnered with peripheral controller maker Razer to develop the Hydra motion controller. The controller, which vaguely resembles a pair of Wii Nunchuks strung to something that looks like it should be hanging from the ceiling of a Borg cube, is required in order to play these new levels. The good news? It'll only cost you $140! Oh, wait, that's actually the terrible news. The good news is... wait, is there even good news here?

Oh, maybe it's that the levels themselves actually sound pretty cool. Using the Hydra controller, these levels let you do some pretty bananas stuff, like rotate portals and rescale objects, such as custom weighted test cubes. No, that's actually more of a terrible tease than good news. Hmmm.

Could it be that you can buy the hardware directly from Steam, provided you live in North America? Well, I guess that's good news for North Americans, sort of. As for Europeans, you'll be paying 140 Euros, and have to buy it directly from Razer's website. You'll still get the Portal 2 content, though you might have to skimp out on paying your electric bill this month.

Okay, so none of this is really good news. We'll just go ahead and resume our tireless vigil awaiting Valve's first official DLC release. It's gotta be coming soon, right? It's just gotta be...

Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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