Hothead Games settles on Kard Combat, deals out some details
Posted by Joystiq Jun 21 2011 17:00 GMT in Magic: The Gathering
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Hothead Games, we have never been this disappointed in you. After you asked for titles for your magically-charged iOS trading card game, and we responded with pure gold like Hocus Poker and Guess Who: Portraits of Power, you went with ... Kard Combat. Sure, it succinctly sums up the free-to-play game's two biggest constituent elements, but we think that moniker could have used a bit of spicing-up. Also, some spell-checking, because "Card" is spelled with a "C," you silly geese.

Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield served as a co-designer on Kard Combat, and explained in a press release, "For years I've wanted to create Magic-like experiences for people who play video games. Kard Combat on iPhone and iPad does this and is simple enough for anyone to pick up and play, but with plenty of depth for the hardcore player." Check out the gallery below and the trailer after the jump to see just what kind of depth we can expect from the egregiously misspelled title.

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