Defeated Anti-Games Senator Laments Loss
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 28 2011 08:55 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Yesterday, US politicians attempting to have grown-up videogames treated on a par with hardcore porn lost their six-year battle. The industry was hugely relieved, but inevitably the losers are not going gentle into that good night, with Californian senator Leland Yee, author of the defeated bill, posting a rebuttal of the Supreme Court’s verdict. He’s continuing to tow the line that games are turning our children into psychopaths:

“Unfortunately, the majority of the Supreme Court once again put the interests of corporate America before the interests of our children. As a result of their decision, Wal-Mart and the video game industry will continue to make billions of dollars at the expense of our kids’ mental health and the safety of our community. It is simply wrong that the video game industry can be allowed to put their profit margins over the rights of parents and the well-being of children.”(more…)

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