Your First Hit of World of Warcraft is Now Free To Play Until Level 20
Posted by Kotaku Jun 28 2011 20:40 GMT in World of Warcraft
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#blizzard Players of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, the most recent expansion to Blizzard's still rather popular online role-playing game, are now in the throes of the game's latest content update, "Rage of the Firelands" (AKA patch 4.2). But if you're a new, WoW-curious gamer, Blizzard has something new for you too. More »

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Reply by Francis Jun 28 2011 22:30 GMT

oh dear

Reply by Fallen Shade Jun 28 2011 22:43 GMT
I predict there will be an avalanche of shit coming from the "hardcore gamers" from this.
Reply by Tails Doll Jun 28 2011 23:15 GMT
Oh boy, that's as far as I usually get anyway.
Reply by Popple Jun 28 2011 23:32 GMT
Also a bunch of people PvP at low levels so Blizzard *crag*ed up.
Reply by Popple Jun 28 2011 23:32 GMT

The 10-19 bracket is so horribly balanced that it really doesn't really change anything, Pops.

Seriously, make a Hunter, give him Explosive Shot, and the oceans will part at your might.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Jun 28 2011 23:51 GMT
I didn't say it was balanced I said people do it.
Reply by Popple Jun 29 2011 00:03 GMT
Why, why!!!! I thought I would be productive this summer!
Reply by FrozenWinters Jun 29 2011 03:04 GMT
do all level 20+ people get a hat
Reply by Slim Jun 29 2011 15:35 GMT
Man Slim, you obviously know nothing
They'll give us PETS that do nothing, not hats that do nothing. Everyone already has a hat that does something.
Reply by ©na Jun 29 2011 19:20 GMT

I got a Squirrel yesterday.

It throws acorns at me.

That counts as "something", right?

Reply by Maiq the Liar Jun 29 2011 20:50 GMT
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