UK FIFA 12: Ultimate Edition pre-order bonuses are golden
Posted by Joystiq Jul 02 2011 08:00 GMT in FIFA Soccer 12
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For us here in America, soccer will never hold the same fascination as it does abroad. All across Europe, the sport of football is revered -- and in the UK, EA's FIFA franchise does gangbusters. If you happen to live in the United Kingdom, EA is looking to provide incentive for committing to this year's latest, FIFA 12, early.

If you pre-order FIFA 12: Ultimate Edition on Xbox 360 or PS3 before September 30 at GAME or Gamestation, you'll get 24 FIFA 12 Ultimate Team gold packs (four a month over the course of six months). Pre-orders from other retailers will net you a reduced 18 gold packs (three a month over six months). Ultimate Team, the trading card game introduced in 2010, will debut in October as a separate download.

FIFA 12 launches in North America on September 27. The rest of the world has to wait a few extra days until September 30.

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