Kinect bundles include Child of Eden for a limited time
Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago in Kinect
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Considering buying a Kinect for the express purpose of entering the techno-organic wonderland of Child of Eden? Microsoft has just made that process about $50 easier, by bundling a download code for the game with specially marked Kinect sensors. According to Major Nelson, the new bundle will be priced identically to the current $150 Kinect package, will still include Kinect Adventures, and will be released in "limited quantities." You can get it in any region except Japan, because Child of Eden has yet to be released there.

From a consumer perspective, this is a fantastic deal, allowing easy and cheap access to what is most certainly the best Kinect game. From Microsoft's perspective, it seems a bit weird to use a game that didn't exactly light up retail as an incentive. Maybe it realized that more people need to play this.

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