Tropico 4 review: Evolution, not el revolucion
Posted by Joystiq Sep 07 2011 21:15 GMT in Tropico 4
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Dear, magnificent El Presidente,

I, Penultimo, your trusted and loyal adviser, understand that you have ordered copies of Tropico 4 not be imported to the island stating, in your wisdom, that not enough has changed from Tropico 3 to this latest sequel to acquiesce on requested import taxes. Although you are correct on many, many levels, I humbly note the following changes that may shift your perspective.

On the surface, Tropico 4 is almost identical to Tropico 3. It looks the same, controls the same, the UI is incredibly similar, art is reused, you'll still have to put parking garages (seriously!) everywhere and it's difficult to initially discern what's changed at all. But, once the game begins, it becomes clear that this is the game that Tropico 3 should have been. Could it have been called Tropico 3.75: We Fixed It? Absolutely. However, publisher Kalypso Media and developer Haemimont Games went with Tropico 4, so here we are.

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