Indiecade 2011 finalists announced, include Fez, Skulls of the Shogun and Sword and Sworcery
Posted by Joystiq Sep 16 2011 01:55 GMT in Skulls of the Shogun
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The IndieCade Festival has announced its list of finalists for this year's event in Culver City, California next month, and it's going to be a packed house -- there are no less than 36 indie titles on the list. From bigger profile titles like Bit.Trip Flux, Fez, and the XBLA-bound Skulls of the Shogun to smaller affairs like the great Desktop Dungeons and the five-year-old powered Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure, the festival's games run the gamut. There will be developers from all over the world at the event, and all of the finalist games will be playable at the festival on October 8-9, with the last 10 awards being passed out at a Red Carpet Awards ceremony on October 6.

The finalists were chosen from 446 submissions to the festival by group of 100 jurors. Past IndieCade finalists have found lots of success, either as downloadable titles on PC, or even indie releases on XBLA or PSN. And with the quality in this year's list, that trend will likely continue.

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