Just Dance 3 - UK advertising detailed
Posted by GoNintendo Sep 16 2011 20:20 GMT in Just Dance 3
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- partnership with cosmetics chain Superdrug to get display units
- these will appear in 880 stores across the UK
- multi-million pound TV ad campaign which kicks off in October
- first ad will appear during X Factor
- ads stop in November and return in December, with a run up to Christmas
- sponsoring Katy Perry’s 17-show UK tour from October to November
- Just Dance disco bus trialling the game
- VIP tickets being given away
- video of Katy Perry and fans dancing to ‘Firework’ in Just Dance 2 will air on a big screen at each show
- playable at seven UK shopping centres including Westfield’s new Stratford centr
- celebrity-attended launch party for launch
- online ads will appear on MSN, Last.fm, YouTube, Facebook and ITV Player

“Miss Sporty is a popular make-up brand with young girls and is a perfect fit for Just Dance 3, particularly given the shared target audience.” - Ubisoft brand manager Rachael Grant
“I’m a fan of Just Dance 3 and I’m glad it brings people together to dance, just like I get to do on my tour.” - Katy Perry

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