Batman: Arkham City's Nightwing could use a haircut
Posted by Joystiq Oct 15 2011 23:30 GMT in Batman: Arkham City
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Yes, former Robin Dick Grayson has moved out from under Batman's cape to go on his own as Nightwing, but we have a feeling that Bruce would just shake his head if he saw these bangs. How are you supposed to fight crime if you can't keep that hair out of your eyes, Dick?

At any rate, that's what Nightwing looks like in Batman: Arkham City, as Rocksteady has confirmed his rumored appearance in the title. He and Robin will be available both in preorders and in their own downloadable content packs. November 1 will find Nightwing available for $6.99 or 560 Microsoft points on the game's various platforms, along with the "Wayne Manor" and "Main Hall" challenge maps as well as another Nightwing Animated Series skin. Robin's pack will be available on November 22 for the same price, with "Black Mask Hideout" and "Freight Train Escape" maps available there, and presumably another extra skin as well.

Both playable characters will have their own tools and moves, of course, to knock the bad guys around with. Batman: Arkham City comes out on Tuesday, October 18, also known as "entirely too far away to wait."

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