Ni No Kuni Coming Out Here, Professor Layton Heads to iOS
Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 17 2011 21:00 GMT in Gaming News
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Ni No Kuni was already released on DS, but everyone's really been waiting for the PS3 one.

Studio Ghibli fans have been patiently waiting for localization news about Ni No Kuni, Level 5’s RPG collaboration with the famous Japanese animation studio behind Princess Mononoke and others. Even if the news was bad, at least it would put speculation to rest.

As it turns out, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch will actually come here next year on PlayStation 3, courtesy of Namco Bandai.

The news was timed to Level 5’s “Vision” event in Japan late last week. I didn’t have anything up when the event happened because everything was filtering over on a Friday night. Sorry, bros!

Otherwise, Level 5 surprisingly announced a Professor Layton spin-off, Layton Brothers: Mystery Room, for somewhere very different than DS: iOS. As this isn’t a proper sequel, it’s likely Professor Layton isn’t leaving Nintendo’s nest, but Level 5’s experimentation onto Apple’s platform is certainly an interesting move.

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