GamePro - Top 15 DS Games
Posted by GoNintendo Nov 03 2011 00:31 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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#13 Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
Layton's brain-bending adventures might not be for everybody, but if you like being mentally taxed like you never have before, than it's hard to find a better series. The film quality animation and voice acting is only the icing for what is a gauntlet of the hardest and most fun puzzles you'll ever find collected in one place. When you finally come out safely at the other end of any of the Professor's adventures, you feel like an absolute genius.

As for the latest title in the series, Unwound Future concludes the trilogy of Professor Layton and apprentice Luke with a story of time travel, but there's more under the surface as the mystery goes on. Like previous titles in the series, Unwound Future is filled with puzzles and brain-teasers that require logic, math, and careful observation. If Brain Age didn't challenge your mind enough, this series is the way to go for a challenge.

Hey, if Nintendo Power can announce the best cube games, why can't another magrag get some cheap attention with a list of its own? And by all means, please make us all click through the maximum number of pages to view your list. Enjoy the Layton blurb above; find the other 14 titles at the source link.

Source: GamePro

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