The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - more calibration complaints have me scratching my head
Posted by GoNintendo Nov 19 2011 01:19 GMT in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
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I swear, I must be living in an alternate universe. Yet again, I've stumbled upon another review for Skyward Sword that complains of controller calibration. The following comments come from two separate reviewers over at CNET.

Unfortunately, the initial MotionPlus calibration that must be completed at the start of each game doesn't seem to last very long. Which is perhaps why Skyward Sword tricked me into recentering my remote's pointer every time I pulled up the world map. Get used to that down direction on the directional pad--you'll be using it a lot to center yourself on the screen.

Zelda: Skyward Sword is one of the very few games that supports the more accurate MotionPlus controls that have been baked into Nintendo remotes for well over a year. It's always been a mystery as to why these more accurate controls aren't incorporated elsewhere, but in Zelda they still feel like the game's weakest link. I kept having to raise my arm awkwardly, imitate bowling moves, and do other such action gestures, which removed me from the immersiveness of the game. And re-calibrate my Wii remote every hour or so didn't help.

I don't get it...I just don't get it. As I've stated multiple times, I never had to manually recenter my Wiimote. I never felt the needs to, and never thought the controller felt out of whack. It always performed to my expectations, and I never had issue with the motion controls.

Am I playing with a magical Wiimmote Plus that doesn't have recalibration issues? Are others playing in surroundings that cause interference? Are we dealing with reviewers that don't often play Wii games, so they aren't as schooled in Wiimote use?

All this talk reminds me somewhat of The Conduit and its sequel. Many reviewers complained that the Wiimote/Nunchuk control scheme just doesn't work. Personally, I feel that they work just as well as dual analog, and with all the options that High Voltage threw in, you should be able to find something that works for you.

What do you think the case is with Skyward Sword and wonky control and calibration complains?

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