Rocksteady Might Be Developing Batman: Arkham World Next
Posted by Giant Bomb Dec 12 2011 20:40 GMT in Batman: Arkham City
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Given Rocksteady's past, I wouldn't be surprised if it was being honest about Arkham World.

Rocksteady Studios is no stranger to teasing.

The basic plot for Batman: Arkham City was hidden away inside Batman: Arkham Asylum, and the first news about Arkham City was dropped just months after Arkham Asylum was released.

Is Batman: Arkham World next?

While “accepting” a Character of the Year award at the Spike TV Video Game Awards this weekend, a Mark Hamill-voiced Joker was holding onto a script with Batman: Arkham World listed at the top. He joked about “spoilers” before hiding the script, and quickly moved on.

Arkham World doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but the blockbuster success of both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City means Rocksteady and Warner Bros. would want to stick with the Arkham name in some capacity.

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