Kojima teases unknown Fox Engine title with ... 'See-thru underwear'?
Posted by Joystiq Dec 17 2011 04:50 GMT in Kojima Productions
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With Platinum Games taking the reins on Metal Gear Rising, what's Kojima Productions up to? KojiPro captain Hideo Kojima took to Twitter to tease the above image writing, "'New title' run by 'Fox Engine.'" It features a refreshing change of pace for the veteran game designer; namely, soldiers and tanks.

Alright, so you're not impressed with what Fox Engine is showing off. Kojima suspected as much, so he followed up with another tweet. "One of the key features about 'Fox Engine,' here's the transparent technique," Kojima wrote. "See-thru underwear." Now you're tasked with the following dilemma: Do you click past the break to see what he's talking about, or do you simply move on, content in the knowledge that you were the stronger person?

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