Chances of a Metal Gear Solid remake are very slim
Posted by GoNintendo Dec 26 2011 18:43 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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"Looking back, there's not anything in particular I want to go back and fix. If you change anything, you change the game—and I want to avoid that. If you bring the gameplay up to modern standards, then you lose a bit of the original game. It was a game made for a certain era—not just the story, but the controls and everything about it reflect that era in which the game was made. There are a lot of people wanting remakes of the original, and as producer I want to answer those calls, but as a creator I'm not very interested in going back. If we were to do it, it would have to be a total remake—the only thing that would be the same would be the story. If it happened at some point I would stay as a producer, but would have to hand off most of the actual creating." - Hideo Kojima

It's odd that people are asking for a remake. Does the Twin Snakes remake on GameCube not count?

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