Dragon Quest X - Latest round of info
Posted by GoNintendo Dec 28 2011 19:53 GMT in Dragon Quest X
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- Entertainers strive to amuse their peers through jokes and whimsical activities
- they know hand-to-hand combat, but can also cast healing, attack and utility spells
- Entertainers can use three kinds of weapons: Daggers, Fans and Staves
- they fight with elegance and grace
- can also learn spells like Evac, Crackle, Heal and Zing
- can use different attack skills for each weapon type
- learn Hustle Dance to heal your whole party
- characters can be moved freely on the battlefield
- area of effect spells and attacks can be avoided simply by walking out of their range
- when you start an attack, your character will automatically walk to the enemy and attack from a direction determined by your initial position
- this can be used to attract the attention of the monster away from other members of your party
- characters also have to deal with a 'weight' factor
- weight depends on body size and equipment worn
- high weight characters can push enemies around
- use the mailing system to send messages and items to friends on your friend list
- dedicated chat system uses a unique ID number shown to friends
- support characters belonging to friends will be labeled specially to make for easier picking when hiring support
- teams can include more than 200 characters
- talk to the ambassador in each capital to build up your teams
- the team leader gets to choose a team name, a slogan, and can create an emblem by assembling various parts
- the team emblem will be displayed on the shields of its members
- brother/sister characters will be customizable in their appearence

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