Former paratrooper calls Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 advertising 'hideous'
Posted by GoNintendo Jan 02 2012 18:32 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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"The advertisement trivializes combat and sanitizes war. If this were September 10, 2001, maybe it wouldn't be quite so bad. Those who are too young to remember Vietnam might indulge in combat fantasies of resting heart rates while rocket-propelled grenades whiz by, and of flinty glares while emptying a magazine into the enemy. But after ten years of constant war, of thousands of amputees and flag-draped coffins, of hundreds of grief-stricken communities, did nobody involved in this commercial raise a hand and say, "You know, this is probably a little crass. Maybe we could just show footage from the game." - D.B. Grady

I am not going to criticize Grady for the time he spent serving this country. I really appreciate that sort of thing. With that said, I don't see how these Call of Duty commercials are any different from commercials for TV shows or movies that feature war as more a playground than a real thing.

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