Dance Central Dance Cam app electric slides onto mobiles
Posted by Joystiq Jan 19 2012 22:00 GMT in Dance Central 2
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You know how Dance Central 2 is super fun because you can dance like a crazy person with utter disregard for the social consequences, thanks to the fact that you're alone in your own damn house? Well, take that same concept, add the watchful eyes of the entire Internet and remove any trace of humility or dignity, and you've got an exciting and new way to make a total fool out of yourself in 15 second bursts.

The Dance Central 2 Dance Cam app from Harmonix, available for free on iOS, Android and Windows Phone lets you choose snippets from 7 songs, record yourself dancing to said snippets and then "dancify" the resulting video, which can then be uploaded to Facebook or deleted forever in shame. The app also features dance-move diagrams for the included songs, just in case you ever find yourself suddenly and desperately unprepared for a dance battle while on public transportation.

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