Renegade Kid explains lack of Mutant Mudds DLC, planning big 3DS support
Posted by GoNintendo Jan 23 2012 20:17 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a Modojo interview with Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham...

M: It seems like time is such an understated element to this game. I didn't know I was being timed until it ran out on one particular occasion. Why didn't you put online leaderboards into Mutant Mudds?

JW: We considered adding on-line leaderboards as well as support for DLC, but the amount of work required to make this happen is tremendous. Our goal for our first self-published eShop title was to create a good game that focuses on the single-player experience and have it launched at the beginning of the eShop's life. This is no easy task in itself, so adding substantial features on top of this would have clouded our goal.

M: Where does Renegade Kid go from here?

JW: The Nintendo eShop opens up a lot of potential for independent developers. We will be developing more titles for the eShop. We will also continue to forge partnerships with publishers to develop games for 3DS retail titles. We're in talks now with a few publishers. I'd like to think we can devote all of our attention to the 3DS. We'll have to see how well publishers jump aboard with the system now that it is having success.

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