Insomniac Is Finished With the Resistance Franchise
Posted by Giant Bomb Jan 26 2012 18:05 GMT in Resistance 3
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"We won't be making any more Resistances."

And with that brief, blunt sentence, Insomniac Games CEO Ted Price pretty much killed any chance of future games to come in the developer's popular first-person shooter franchise.

You won't have these alternate historical aliens to kick around anymore.

He said this during an interview with VG 24/7 at Southern Methodist University’s Game::Business::Law Summit. He apparently did not follow-up on this statement with any reasoning, or really anything at all. Essentially, that was that.

It's perhaps not altogether surprising a development, given that the series wrapped up into a nice little trilogy with the last entry, Resistance 3, and to be frank, sales for that title proved rather soft amid the onslaught of other action titles released toward the end of last year. And, of course, Insomniac is otherwise occupied with its new multiplatform co-op shooter OverStrike, which the company plans to release this year.

Still, it's perhaps a bit of an unceremonious end for a series that never quite captured the PlayStation 3 audience's attention the way the Killzones and Uncharteds of the world did, but nonetheless had its ardent fans who stuck with Insomniac's alternate-history baby all the way through to its end.

What say you? Sad to see Resistance go? Or are you ready to move on?

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