Resistance 3 Message Board

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Posted by Joystiq 11 years ago
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Gran Turismo 5 and the Resistance franchise will be pulling the online plug in early 2014. Sony has announced that Gran Turismo 5 will conclude its online features on May 20, 2014, with the Resistance franchise on PlayStation 3 following on March 28.

Also, as of January 28, 2014, the online connectivity of MAG, SOCOM: Special Forces and SOCOM: Confrontation will also cease to be. Since MAG and SOCOM: Confrontation are online only, we hope you enjoy your new coasters.

Posted by Joystiq 12 years ago
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The Resistance Collection, a bundle of all three of Insomniac's Resistance games for the PS3 will be available at retail starting on December 5.

On top of the three Resistance games, there's some DLC in the package - the Aftermath multiplayer DLC pack, Skin bundle and Wraith skin multiplayer weapon for Resistance 2, plus the Brutality and Survival DLC packs for Resistance 3. All said and done, the Resistance Collection will set you back $39.99. (Or, about 14 Chiktumbs in Chimeran currency.)

Posted by Kotaku 12 years ago
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#resistance Resistance started out as a Halo clone. It was to be Sony's answer to Microsoft, the PlayStation's own sci-fi shooter and killer app. It was to sell millions and earn its own base of rabid fans. More »

Posted by IGN 12 years ago
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April Fools' Day is a predictable day, one where you can't trust anyone. But trust this readers: Resistance 3 is chock-full of Easter Eggs, including one that can only be seen on April Fools' Day (or if you're wily enough to set your PlayStation 3's internal calendar to April 1st... either/or)...

Posted by IGN 12 years ago
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During GDC last week, Insomniac Games Creative Director and Lead Designer Drew Murray spoke on the power of usability testing during game development. In a talk titled "What You Don't Know IS Hurting You: How Aggressive User-Research Improved Resistance 3," Murray documented the team's exhaustive efforts to make a better game through plenty of internal and external tests. And it all started with a few unwanted deaths in Resistance 2...

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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It's unclear who will take up Resistance 4, if Sony pushes forward, but it won't be Insomniac.

If you played Resistance 3 and saw the credits roll, it wasn’t much of a surprise to recently hear Insomniac Games CEO Ted Price revealing the studio was now done with the franchise.

Price appears to have been caught off guard by the headlines and ensuing fan response, however, and took to YouTube to deliver a message towards fans about the decision.

“I did want to confirm it face-to-face that we are not moving on with the Resistance franchise,” he said. “Now, the question we’ve gotten through our forums and through emails is: why? Well, we believe Resistance has reached its logical conclusion in terms of the story we wanted to tell.”

When everything faded to black, Resistance 3 definitely felt like an ending to a trilogy, even if I took issue with how much Insomniac Games chose to keep open-ended regarding the overall mythology. With Nihilistic Software working on Resistance: Burning Skies for Vita, however, it’s clear Sony has plans to keep going.

“With Sony’s shepherding, we know that it [Resistance] will continue to live on and expand,” he said. “We’re excited, as fanboys, to see where it goes.”

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Update: Insomniac Games' CEO Ted Price posted a video on YouTube confirming that the studio will be moving on, and explaining why that is...

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Earlier today, Insomniac Games, the studio that developed the likes of Spyro the Dragon, Ratchet & Clank and most recently Resistance, revealed that it would not be doing another Resistance game...

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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"We won't be making any more Resistances."

And with that brief, blunt sentence, Insomniac Games CEO Ted Price pretty much killed any chance of future games to come in the developer's popular first-person shooter franchise.

You won't have these alternate historical aliens to kick around anymore.

He said this during an interview with VG 24/7 at Southern Methodist University’s Game::Business::Law Summit. He apparently did not follow-up on this statement with any reasoning, or really anything at all. Essentially, that was that.

It's perhaps not altogether surprising a development, given that the series wrapped up into a nice little trilogy with the last entry, Resistance 3, and to be frank, sales for that title proved rather soft amid the onslaught of other action titles released toward the end of last year. And, of course, Insomniac is otherwise occupied with its new multiplatform co-op shooter OverStrike, which the company plans to release this year.

Still, it's perhaps a bit of an unceremonious end for a series that never quite captured the PlayStation 3 audience's attention the way the Killzones and Uncharteds of the world did, but nonetheless had its ardent fans who stuck with Insomniac's alternate-history baby all the way through to its end.

What say you? Sad to see Resistance go? Or are you ready to move on?

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Insomniac CEO Ted Price has said the company is done with the Resistance franchise.

"We won't be making any more Resistances," Price told VG247. And that's that.

The company previously announced it's moving on to multiplatform projects like Overstrike, a four-player co-op shooter, which will hopefully pan out as a more substantial and integrated experience than the company's previous grand experiment in multiplayer co-op, Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One.

At least Insomniac ended its work on the Resistance franchise on a high note. Resistance 3 was easily the best in a series that had been trying to find its footing this entire console generation.

Posted by PlayStation Blog 13 years ago
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Hey everyone! We are the midst of our winter break, recharging our batteries after shipping both Resistance 3 and Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One exclusively on PS3 this year. We hope you’ve had the chance to check out both games. If not, maybe you’ll find them under the Christmas Tree or use a gift card to pick them up after the holidays.

Last year, we shared with you several of our holiday cards over the past few years. We did want to share with you the latest – which should appeal to you fans of the Olly Moss Resistance 3 cover art.


For those Resistance players out there, we did want to remind you to check out the Brutality DLC Pack, which we just released this month. The DLC contains a brand new co-op Survival mode set on a dark and foggy version of the Wales map. Team up with a friend to fight off ever increasing hordes of grims, all set to seven tracks from Grammy-nominated metal band Mastodon. How many rounds can you survive?

We hope you have a great holiday season, filled with family, friends and gaming. We’re so thankful for all of our fans out there and for your support of our games. To keep up with us in 2012 and our brand new game Overstrike, be sure to follow us Twitter and Like Us on Facebook.

From everyone here at Insomniac, Happy Holidays!

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Sneaky Chimeran forces. Don't worry if you were caught off guard by the launch of Resistance 3's "Brutality" DLC -- we were all a little bit surprised a couple days ago. Check out the above trailer for what can be found in the $4 bundle.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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The PSN Store update is now live! The high-profile additions this week are Battlefield 3's "Back to Karkand" DLC and the Brutality Pack for Resistance 3, the latter featuring a new Survival mode, a theme, skin and weapon for multiplayer.

And, for PlayStation Plus subscribers, there's a free copy of Tomb Raider: Underworld waiting for you, some free PSOne Classics titles in the Spyro series and a 80 percent discount on the Penny Arcade Adventures games. You can see the full update list over on the PlayStation Blog.

Posted by PlayStation Blog 13 years ago
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While most of us are using December to catch up on all the huge game releases this holiday season, the December episode of Qore is looking forward to 2012. And, in anticipation of the new year, we’re very excited to kick off a new era for Qore with both a new host and new correspondent. Please welcome Qore’s new host Jesse Blaze Snider and new field correspondent Tiffany Smith.

Jesse jumps right into the giant sequel Final Fantasy XIII-2. With time travel, new fight mechanics, and new characters joining the old cast, XIII-2 expands an already epic storyline.

If you’re into weapon-based fighting (who isn’t?), then you’ll definitely want to check out the Qore preview of Soul Calibur V. Meet old and new characters such as Assassin’s Creed’s very own Ezio Auditore making his fighting game debut. And, check out the ‘create-a-fighter’ tools.

Tiffany Smith visits 2K Games to catch up with Jackie Estacado’s story in The Darkness II. She reports on the devotion to design demonstrated in the team’s efforts to uphold the graphic novel roots and gets her hands on an intriguing game mechanic they call…’quad wielding.’

For Resistance 3 fans that wanted a little metal in their game, Qore has the scoop on Mastodon’s soundtrack for upcoming DLC. Jesse meets with the band members as they talk about their work, their tour and their own gaming habits.

And, speaking of DLC, don’t miss an exclusive DC Comics Uncharted theme celebrating the 6 issue limited Uncharted series.

We hope you enjoy this month’s Qore.

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#resistance Starting today, you'll be able to rampage your way through one of the PS3's best first-person shooters with a friend as Resistance 3 adds the all-new Brutality DLC pack. The add-on introduces a co-operative mode where two players face down wave after wave of Chimera aliens. More »

On behalf of everyone at Insomniac Games and Sony I’m very excited to announce Resistance 3’s Brutality Pack, available today for download from the PlayStation Store! This new DLC, priced at $3.99, features a vicious survival mode where you face off against an army of ravenous Grims as they try to take you and your friends down. And yup, it’s co-op – both online and offline. Plus, you get a special Mick Cutler skin AND the sledgehammer unlocked for all of the game’s modes, as well as a special Warden Static PS3 Theme.

But what has me most stoked personally is that the Brutality Pack fittingly features the music of the incomparable, Grammy nominated, Mastodon. We’re featuring seven tracks, including three songs from their just-released album The Hunter, two instrumental versions of Blood Mountain tracks and two special bonus songs from the deluxe version of The Hunter. Check out the brand new trailer that we’re releasing today to see the new gameplay mode in action set to one of Mastodon’s latest singles, “Spectrelight”.


I have to admit that I’ve been a longtime Mastodon fan. But it wasn’t until I saw them open for Queens of the Stone Age that I became a true uberfan. These guys are masters of their craft and when you see them play live its mind blowing. They bring raw intensity and incredible energy to everything they do. Their chugging roar is a perfect fit for Resistance and especially for the Brutality Pack where it’s you, a sledgehammer and some very, very hungry Chimera. To learn more about Mastodon and their music you can check out their latest music video on YouTube or visit their official site at


We’re sincerely honored that Mastodon is now a part of the Resistance universe. Prepare to get brutal!

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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For the elite cadre of people who have discovered and loved Resistance 3, some new downloadable content is on the way ... today! Revealed just yesterday on X-Play (watch the video here), the co-op "Brutality" DLC includes a new survival-based scenario in a "darker" version of the main game's Wales locale.

To help you deal with the "ongoing onslaught of Grims," as Insomniac CEO Ted Price put it, you'll have the assistance of the Sledgehammer. That's not a codename for some kind of missile -- it's an actual sledgehammer.

Helping to darken the setting even further is a seven-song soundtrack provided by metal band Mastodon. "But wait," you say. "Isn't metal totally anachronistic for a game set in 1957?" Of course, it would be, if the characters heard it. Also, all metal musicians are actually aliens. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you already knew that. No human can play drums that fast.

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Ready for more Resistance 3 DLC? Tomorrow will see the arrival of the Brutality Pack on the PlayStation Store. This $3.99, two-player co-op DLC will pit players against wave after wave of Grims. From the Xplay report below, it looks like guns will be at your disposal, but you'll also get access to the sledgehammer. The survival mode takes place in Wales, but it's darker than the level in the single-player campaign and features a track from Mastodon. The DLC won't pack any new PSN Trophies...

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Whether you're looking to jump into the Sony waters or, like, the most generous gift-giver in existence, you may want to check out Amazon's hefty PS3 bundle. Along with a 160GB PS3 console and copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 2 on Blu-ray (you know, Sony's latest console bundle), there's also a copy of Resistance 3 included, plus a media remote and a PS3 New Owner's Kit, which includes an additional controller, USB charge cable and a HDMI cable for the high-defs.

All of this will set you (or somebody who likes you a whole lot) back a sum of $370. To get the bundle, you'll have to head on over to Amazon and manually add the additional items to the PS3 system bundle pictured above. A bundle within a bundle! What will they think of next?

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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We really loved Resistance 3 here at IGN. We gave it a 9.0. And as reported by the game's developer Insomniac, a new patch is forthcoming that will help fix issues and stabilize the game. And better yet, the patch will come with two free maps: The Creek and The Granary...

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Insomniac Games tweets that it's patching Resistance 3 today with a free update that will bring two new maps to the game. Patch 1.05 will add a sixteen player map called Creek and a four player map called The Granary to the title, both available to players for free after the patch is downloaded and installed.

The patch also adds performance updates, improved team balancing, and makes sure that players who have hit level 60 can now unlock any and all equipment and abilities. There's also a tweak to make the Leaper Corpse a little easier, and Move functionality has been tweaked to work better. You can get your new maps on later Friday.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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A "Mayhem Edition" Move bundle containing Killzone 3 and Resistance 3, along with a separate "Special Edition" of LittleBigPlanet 2, have apparently been revealed through some box factory snapshots. forum user "Scream777" posted several pics of the unannounced bundles from the box manufacturer he works at.

The pictures include the aforementioned "Mayhem Edition," a splayed box of the previously announced GoldenEye 007: Reloaded PS Move bundle, a 160GB PS3 bundle with Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One and unannounced LittleBigPlanet 2 "Special Edition", and the Uncharted 3 320GB bundle.

One of the few things that immediately jump out as suspect is the typo of "steroscopic" on the Ratchet and LBP 2 bundle. The forum poster says Sony, which designed the packaging, didn't notice the mistake until later and didn't want to pay for a new run of boxes.

[Thanks, SwiftyMcQuick.]

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Sales of Resistance 3 are lagging compared to Resistance 2's sales in 2008...

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Resistance 3 has been out for a while now, and plenty of PS3 gamers are still spending plenty of time on its multiplayer modes. Today, the Survival DLC comes out, which is multiplayer-centric, namely offering a new multiplayer mode. But according to the PlayStation Blog, more multiplayer goodness for Resistance 3 is coming soon, and better yet, this upcoming offering will be free...

Posted by PlayStation Blog 13 years ago
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Hey folks! We’re excited to announce the release of the Resistance 3 Survival DLC pack today on the PlayStation Store for $3.99. First and foremost, the Survival DLC pack brings you a new game mode for multiplayer called Invasion. The Invasion mode forces Human and Chimeran teams to divide their resources with the goal of holding multiple control nodes on the map simultaneously. The more nodes your team holds, the faster you score points – and thus, achieve victory. There is a lot of deep strategy in determining which nodes to attack, as well as how many players should hang back to defend your nodes while retaining enough offensive force to successfully attack enemy nodes. We hope you enjoy it!



That’s not all though – the Survival DLC pack includes special multiplayer skins of some of the major survivors from the game: Herbert, Jonathan, Jean, and Charlie. You’ll also get a bonus Resistance 3 Survivor Concept Art Static XMB Theme.


It’s been just over a month since we launched Resistance 3, and we hope that you’ve gotten the chance to jump online and experience the game’s multiplayer and start experimenting with the wide range of loadout options, customizing them to your own play style. Over the course of development, the team at Insomniac has obviously logged countless online hours; in the process, we’ve created some tailored loadouts that we think are pretty effective. We wanted to share our favorites with you, so check out the video below as members of the Insomniac team, including Ted Price and Marcus Smith, walk you through their “go-to” multiplayer loadouts.

We are also working on another patch to continue to address issues. When we release this 1.05 patch, we will be including two brand-new maps for all players, the Creek and the Granary. To keep up with the latest news on the 1.05 patch, its fixes, and the new maps, please Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or join the conversation at the forums.

We hope to see you online in Invasion Mode! And keep an eye out for the announcement of our next DLC pack soon.

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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A couple of weeks ago, we were lucky enough to record our lengthy Resistance 3 spoilercast with Resistance 3's Creative Director Marcus Smith. Within, an eagle-eyed IGN reader named Owen Wallis asked Smith perhaps the most interesting question of the entire two hour-long podcast...

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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We're sorry to say it, but you'll have to stop murdering Chimera online for a couple of hours later today, as Sony's PlayStation Network will be going down between 9 and 11AM PT due to "routine maintenance." Sony warned of the impending outage on Twitter and apologized to users.

And yes, the Battlefield 3 beta should be good to go when PSN becomes available again later this afternoon. Cool your jets!

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Resistance 3 has been out for a few weeks now, and if you're a PlayStation faithful, chances are you've played it. But what about the nitty gritty questions the game raised? What about Capelli's journey across the country? What about where the franchise goes from here? This vid could win you Resistance 3 prizes. Listen for details...

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Resistance 3 is now out, and the PlayStation 3 faithful are eagerly playing through the campaign, murdering each other online, and -- of course -- farming Trophies. And it's those Trophies that are the heart of a sort of meta-game inside Resistance 3...

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#resistance After the flawed Resistance 2, a game that drained the joy from the PlayStation 3's once very promising shooter series, Insomniac Games comes closer to hitting its target with its third game set amongst the human-Chimera war. All it took to get Resistance 3 back on track was a bullet in the head. More »