Price: Insomniac is done with Resistance, Sony isn't
Posted by Joystiq Jan 27 2012 20:00 GMT in PlayStation Vita
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Insomniac CEO Ted Price went to the YouTubes for a "face to face" with Resistance fans about his declaration that the developer is done with the franchise. There was apparently some confusion with fans that believed the series, owned by Sony, would end after Insomniac moved on.

"We believe that Resistance has reached its logical conclusion, in terms of the story we wanted to tell," Price said. "However, that doesn't mean the Resistance franchise isn't continuing. It's already in the capable hands of Nihilistic. And with Sony's shepherding we know it will continue to live on and expand."

Nihilistic is currently working on Resistance: Burning Skies for Vita, available sometime this summer. Insomniac is moving on to multiplatform co-op shooter Overstrike.

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