Alien - they say it's structural perfection's matched only by its hostility.
Even artificial persons are impressed.
It preys on men.
Don't need no special suit don't need no nukes
And don't need no artillery to rip right through your chest.
Aliens gestate inside a living human host and have some concentrated acid for blood
They mostly come at night. Mostly.
Their fate depends on whether there's an airlock, whether they're in space, or whether there's a chick who's just to fast to be cut. But the pros have come to fight. But the pros see
They have to get off LV-426
And nuke it from orbit, like Corporal Hicks, cause we know
Whoever said that there's no real monsters
Never battled with an alien
Throwing down for the company, it's something we've never seen before
Bringing war to xenomorphs this time
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