Three Million Dollars Pledged To Double Fine
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 13 2012 15:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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I wonder how Kickstarter will deliver the money that’s been pledged to Double Fine to make their game? With arbitrarily magic number of three million dollars has just been crossed, with 11 hours still to go, the Double Fine Adventure is go. It was “go” a few hours after it launched, so now I’ve rendered the term meaningless. Please strike it from your dictionaries. But back to the question at hand: Kickstarter will have at least three million dollars for Tim Schafer by the end of today’s countdown, and they need to give it to him to make an old school adventure. I hope he’s asked to a creepy mansion and has to perform a series of baffling tasks to get to a treasure chest, and in that chest is a thing, like a giant diamond, and in that diamond is, like, a cheque. That would be pretty sweet. They’ve released the blooper reel from the first video, which is your reward for backing RPS. With your eyes.(more…)

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