Close out Spring Fever with Closure: PSN’s Next Innovator Hits March 27th
Posted by PlayStation Blog Mar 15 2012 14:00 GMT in Closure
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Hey! I know we’re all heavily enjoying Journey right now (it’s amazing), but don’t shut off your PS3 when you’re done with it because another awesome game, Closure, is coming out at the end of the month. We just finished our launch trailer, which you can watch below right now!

Just for recap, Closure is a puzzle platformer based around manipulating lights to phase objects in and out of reality. The core gameplay premise is: If you can't see it, it doesn't exist. It's a simple enough concept to understand, but the puzzles are anything but. A team of three (myself, artist Jon Schubbe, musician Christopher Rhyne) have spent three years working on Closure, designing nearly 100 unique and challenging puzzles spread across a variety of dark and eerie settings including a decrepit factory, a murky forest, an abandoned carnival, and a few other locales that I’ll leave as a surprise.

Closure is not just about its setting and atmosphere, though. There is a heavy focus on the puzzles themselves, which start off simple but evolve to become some of the most puzzling challenges you will ever face. As an anecdote, towards the end of development, I decided to play through the entire game and I reached a few puzzles (puzzles I designed, mind you) that I hadn't played in a few months. I had forgotten the solutions and was stumped on them for a relatively long time.

In other exciting news, Closure was selected as the Grand Prize Winner at the DICE 2012 Indie Game Challenge last month. This was the first competition we entered since the 2010 IGF (where Closure was selected as the Audio Excellence award winner) and it was really cool to see people's reactions to the finished product.

Closure will be released in North America on March 27th as part of the Spring Fever promotion and will cost $14.99 (and just $11.99 for PlayStation Plus subscribers). If you have questions about Closure, please leave them in the comments — I’d love to answer some.

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