Deja Review: Silent Hill HD Collection
Posted by Joystiq Mar 20 2012 23:30 GMT in Silent Hill HD Collection
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We're of the firm opinion that your time is too precious, too valuable to be spent reading a full review for a game that was already reviewed many, many years ago. What's the point of applying a score to a game that's old enough to be enrolled in the sixth grade? That's why we invented Deja Review: A quick look at the new features and relative agelessness of remade, revived and re-released games. Unlike Joystiq's reviews, our Deja Reviews don't include subtitles. If they did, this one would read, "Silent Hill HD Collection: Still crazy after all these years." Silent Hill 2, the oldest of the two games included in the HD Collection, was released over ten years ago now. Many people (myself among them) consider it to be not only one of the best horror games ever made, but also one of the best games of all time.

After ten years, having played through it multiple times, it still pulls me in.

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