Breivik Testifies About Gaming, Press Ignores The Facts
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 19 2012 12:30 GMT in PC Gaming News
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It is inevitable that during the trial of Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Breivik, that the matter of videogaming will come up. At the time I dug into what Breivik had actually said about gaming in his ghastly manifesto, and it was pretty much nothing of relevance. But with the press still not having found the next nasty to leap on, gaming is the scapegoat. It seems reasonable to point out how inaccurate this remains, and how attempting to shift the blame onto things uninvolved only makes it more likely that whatever led to Breivik’s state of mind is only less likely to be discovered. But now that Breivik has testified about how important playing WoW was to him, and his peculiar understanding of Modern Warfare 2, it’s all happening again.


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