Atlus picks up Dragon's Crown publishing, also assisting with development
Posted by Joystiq Apr 20 2012 03:05 GMT in PlayStation Vita
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Dragon's Crown, the 2D, Tower of Doom-inspired PS3/Vita action game by Vanillaware, no longer rests upon Ignition Entertainment - but, true to Vanillaware's word, it still exists. In a post on the PlayStation Blog, Atlus PR manager Aram Jabbari revealed that his company has taken over publishing duties, and now plans to release it in 2013 (Ignition made its own announcement, after the break). This is a reversal of the fate of Muramasa: The Demon Blade, another Vanillaware game, which Ignition acquired from another company (XSEED) in 2009.

Atlus is not only publishing it in North America and Japan, internal Atlus staff members are now assisting with the production. The downside to this announcement is that, in Atlus's estimation, "the game simply cannot retail for $29.99." The upside is that, being an Atlus game, it's much more likely to ship with a soundtrack disc now.

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