Read Valve's Employee Company Handbook. It's Amazing.
Posted by Kotaku Apr 21 2012 12:40 GMT in Gaming News
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#rumor On Friday, a user on the Flamehaus forums uploaded a very convincing pdf, complete with accompanying photo, of a new book called Valve: Handbook For New Employees. More »


this is like the most interesting thing ever
Reply by Viddd Apr 21 2012 18:11 GMT


Ponies - The animals most beloved by those away from their computers, and most despised by people who prefer to hear jokes just once.

Reply by Viddd Apr 21 2012 18:14 GMT
augh god i was reading this and i was like "jesus christ this place is so perfect for me" ;v;
Reply by Nastasia Apr 21 2012 22:01 GMT
Suddenly thousands decide that they want to work at Valve
Reply by ©na Apr 21 2012 22:25 GMT
valve is pretty much the best place to work at ever, but i would never be able to live without a boss telling me what to do every step of the way
Reply by Viddd Apr 21 2012 22:51 GMT
Every time I think about what it would be like working at Valve it always come back to "I would probably have to use C++" which instantly makes me not want to work there. Like seriously *crag* these ENTERPRISE languages.
So yes I even hate working at Valve.
Reply by Fortran Apr 22 2012 00:07 GMT

Rotate the stick 90 degrees and pull. You just might dislodge it.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Apr 22 2012 00:22 GMT
Say what you want but you try using C++ after using Lisp. You'd be offended by the notion. Not even a lifetime supply of dragon dildos and dragon cum loob could get me to use that half-assed language.
Reply by Fortran Apr 22 2012 00:31 GMT
Page 24: HL3.
Reply by Smaug Apr 22 2012 03:57 GMT
dragon dildos is still a funny joke right? right guys? oh i'm so witty aren't i?
Reply by Nastasia Apr 22 2012 08:09 GMT

it never was

Reply by darkz Apr 22 2012 08:32 GMT
nas do you have a dark hidden past involving dragon dildos we don't know about?
Reply by Fortran Apr 22 2012 17:16 GMT
My favor-oh *crag* you, bunch of *crag*ing killjoys.
Reply by Tails Doll Apr 22 2012 17:41 GMT
Hey shadoo have you ever heard about how when a joke gets told too many times it isn't funny anymore?
Reply by Nastasia Apr 22 2012 22:02 GMT
Reply by Fortran Apr 22 2012 22:09 GMT
I didn't hear a no in there nas
Reply by Super-Claus Apr 22 2012 22:40 GMT
mike dawson stares at shadoo in shock and wonders how anyone could be so dumb
Reply by Nastasia Apr 22 2012 23:06 GMT
still don't hear a no
Reply by Super-Claus Apr 22 2012 23:09 GMT
Reply by Fortran Apr 23 2012 01:08 GMT

Reply by Slim Apr 23 2012 02:05 GMT

Reply by MM Apr 23 2012 02:14 GMT
nice hat meow
Reply by Super-Claus Apr 23 2012 04:04 GMT
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