Thursday Night Throwdown 4/25: Super Monday Night Combat
Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 26 2012 04:51 GMT in Super Monday Night Combat
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We've teamed up with the generous, clever technologists over at Uber Entertainment to help make this week's Thursday Night Throwdown a little more Yeah, we'll be playing Super Monday Night Combat with you and yours starting at 4PM Pacific Time, cuz that's jus' what we do. There will probably be some cameo appearances from various stone-cold murderers at Uber Entertainment, but, hey, check this shit out, you can also play as the *crag*ing Luchadeer! Basically! Watch this trailer, go to the website, and get your damn code! Do it quick, though. As soon as TNT is over, we are shutting down the Luchadeer code machine, possibly (probably?) possibly forever!

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