You Probably Won't Be Playing Awesomenauts This Week
Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 30 2012 16:41 GMT in Awesomenauts
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You're not getting Awesomenauts this week. Hell, it's anyone's guess when it might come out now.

Those who were particularly looking forward to the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network release Awesomenauts this week might want to just take a seat over here and relax for a minute, while we explain a bit of bad news to you. You see, while we know you may have been looking very much forward to getting your hands on developer Ronimo Games' 2D multiplayer arena shooter, that probably isn't going to happen this week, as originally planned. That's because DTP Entertainment, the publisher originally set to bring Awesomenauts to those platforms, is now bankrupt.

News of the insolvency filing by DTP just came to light yesterday, mere days before Awesomenauts was to hit digital stores. Now, nobody seems to know when precisely the game might come out, if at all. Speaking to IGN, Ronimo developer Jasper Koning said, "At the moment we're unsure what this means for [Awesomenauts]."

Depending on DTP's level of debt and potential ability to reorganize to its creditors' satisfaction versus out-and-out closure, the amount of potential time this could all take to suss out is as wide as the situation itself is complicated. Ronimo Games is looking into the situation to try and figure out the best way to get the game out, but for the foreseeable future, you're not going to be playing Awesomenauts. Certainly not this week, at least.

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