The Last Story - gameplay and story refresher, more art
Posted by GoNintendo May 04 2012 18:57 GMT in The Last Story
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- real time battle system where players control Zael
- pull enemies using a Gathering ability
- magic users can charge powerful spells
- Zael can also cover and snipe enemies using his bowgun
- go online for cooperative monster hunts or deathmatch mode
- the Empire has been beaten down by never-ending invading forces
- there's one part of the land that has a virtually impenetrable last line of defense
- that place is called Lazulis Island, ruled by Count Arganan
- this island has an army of weapons that magically concentrates beasts into a single region
- Zael was orphaned at a young agew
- Zael and his group are considered low-class, but their talents attract Count Arganan's attention
- if Zael and his group can complete the tests Arganan has put forth, they can obtain knighthood
- during one of these missions, Zael discovers a secret location that grants him the gathering ability

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