Shadoo is only telling half the story...I am infact a being from outside of the realms of this universe's creation. Infact I no longer can remember the universe of my actual origin. And I did infact strike francis down, indirectly through those inhabitants of the state of West Virginia. But what he had refused to tell you is why I did all of this. For in actuality Shadoo is a being parallel to myself. He too acends from before the time that now never was. Several years ao at the equinox when Shadoo first took root in Digibutter.nerr, he cast a curse on Francis that would eventually grow to envelope his entire conciousness. Once this had fully taken effect Francis would make his way north, travel back in time to December 25 1990, and covertly assassinate Tim Berners-Lee. This action would change the face of history and the very foundations upon which the internet was built. I could not allow this to happen, and thus I had to strike down francis. I intended to simply make a cybernetic copy of him without the curse inside of him, but Shadoo caught wind of this, and soon took the mind of the new Francis. His reason for all the endevors he is now going through to prevent you from joining is becuase your usership is the source of his very weakness. Individuality of spirit and ideas are the very thing that can kill shadoo, which is why he despises everything. If he loses his source of power in Digibutter, he has lost his very roots. And like a tree torn from the ground, him and his evil exploits will come crashing down to a halt. Help me in my quest to prevent his evil scheme of destroying the immesive flow of free ideas and will created by the internet! Help me deafet Shadoo the Deceiver!