The Guild Pre-Wars Continue
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 29 2012 21:00 GMT in Guild Wars 2
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There’s to be another beta weekend for Guild Wars 2, the MMO that resolutely refuses to launch. Which means, once again, I won’t be able to play the thing due to weekend plans. Specifically in this case, camping in Sherwood Forest and listening to indie bands. Can’t we have a beta weekday evening or two instead, please?

If you are around for the 8th to 10th of June, you should be able to hop onto a GW2 beta server presuming you’ve either pre-ordered or already managed to snag a beta account from somewhere. The good news of previous beta-barons is that characters from the first weekend haven’t been wiped, so this might be your chance to have a nose at some of the higher-level contentydoodledoo.(more…)

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