Amazon UK yanks Wii U preorder listing
Posted by GoNintendo Jun 14 2012 17:20 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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Just yesterday, Amazon UK had a preorder page for the black Wii U. That page also came with a £199.99 price tag. As many expected, the listing was too good to be true. The listing has since been removed and all preorders have been cancelled. Amazon said the listing was put up in error.


oh man
please let that be the real price
please tell me amazon is just back peddling
Reply by Super-Claus Jun 14 2012 17:41 GMT
It would certainly make up for the £230 3DS launch price they forced on us over here.
Reply by Gold Prognosticus Jun 14 2012 18:36 GMT
um what is that in us dollars i don't really want to convert that myself
Reply by Nastasia Jun 14 2012 21:50 GMT
oh boo hoo poor nas can't put shit in a currency converter that takes rate of exchange into account
whatever it is about this much: $252.57
Reply by Super-Claus Jun 14 2012 21:53 GMT
but i wasnt sure what that currency was called ): im sorry i dont know symbols
Reply by Nastasia Jun 15 2012 02:13 GMT
pretty much all of Europe uses the Euro nas, it's becuase they want to synthesize the entire world into one economy. Partially to compete with what North America has with its free roaming trade policies (US/Canada/Mexico all have a set standard to convert our currencies, and these standards allow for open boarder trade)
Reply by Super-Claus Jun 15 2012 02:18 GMT
Since when does £230 equate to $252? tells me it converts to roughly $360. Were you trying to convert it from Euros instead of Pounds?
Reply by Gold Prognosticus Jun 15 2012 14:16 GMT
yeah euros
well shit i thought the UK functioned on euros
when the *crag* haven't they I thought they got rid of pounds years ago
Reply by Super-Claus Jun 15 2012 14:52 GMT
well i know euros and pounds exist i just dont' know symbols okay
Reply by Nastasia Jun 15 2012 17:11 GMT
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