Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City gets patched
Posted by Joystiq Jun 18 2012 00:30 GMT in Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City has received a patch, one that addresses issues with the game's online matchmaking system and AI, as well as various other fixes, according to a post at Capcom Unity. The post didn't elaborate on how exactly the matchmaking system has been changed, just that "matchmaking from invites" has been improved, as have ally and enemy AI behaviors.

More fundamental gameplay changes have also been made: Players can now pick up items while dashing and take cover immediately after a dive, for instance, and "various elements of weaponry, including ammo count, knockdown distance, weapon respawn times" have been changed in undisclosed ways. Peep the full list of changes after the break.

[Thanks, Gregory!]

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