Mega Man Meets Adventure Time, And I Think My Heart Just Burst
Posted by Kotaku Jun 26 2012 22:00 GMT in Gaming News
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#gif Take a deep breath, people. Or your heart might implode from pure, awesome, megamatical delight. Also look how cute they look! Squeeeeeee, okI'mdone. More »

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Good job,Kotaku! Official news site for imageboards!

Reply by Super-Claus Jun 26 2012 22:28 GMT
Francis, I think it's high time you get rid of Kotaku from this website. It's already *crag*ing shitty enough here, you're really not helping it by letting this worthless website taint it further.
Reply by Tails Doll Jun 26 2012 23:23 GMT
every news site on here is shitty
in fact we're all shit ourselves
let's shut down digibutter, it's better for humanity as a whole
Reply by Viddd Jun 26 2012 23:43 GMT
just remove the ones that post ponies
Reply by Nastasia Jun 26 2012 23:48 GMT
at least
Reply by Nastasia Jun 26 2012 23:48 GMT
Vid this site is like an asylum. If it gets closed down then we'll just ruin other websites.
Reply by Tails Doll Jun 27 2012 00:58 GMT

Reply by Super-Claus Jun 27 2012 01:22 GMT
Dim I think you won.
Reply by Tails Doll Jun 27 2012 01:35 GMT
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