Dragon Quest X - 3DS app details, launch event, merchandise, more screens
Posted by GoNintendo Jul 25 2012 17:25 GMT in Dragon Quest X
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More game screens here and app screens here

- SMAP will appear in the game's commercials
- commercials begin airing tomorrow
- the game's completion ceremony was MCed by SMAP's Takuya Kimura
- Shibuya Tsutaya will host the game's official opening event
- this will be held on August 2 at 7:00AM
- servers will also go live at 7:00AM on August 2
- merchandise includes DQX figures and plushies, accessories, and "Slime" flavored gum from Lotte
- the 3DS app "Dragon Quest X Convenient Tool For Adventurers On the Go: Vol.1" is available on August 22
- get this from the eShop with a download code included in Dragon Quest X
- the app includes the following features

Post Office
Write letters on your 3DS and send them to friends.
Travelers Bazaar
View all the items that are up for sale at the bazaars on the various continents. You can't actually purchase items here.
Friend Information
See if your friends are currently playing Dragon Quest X
Support Ally Employment Information
See how much your character is being employed by others as a support ally
Street Pass/Double Street Pass
You can exchange data with other 3DS users through Street Pass. "Double Street Pass" refers to "Street Passing" with a player both through your 3DS and within DQX itself. Something nice will happen if you manage this.

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