Natural Selections 2′s Exosuit Is “A Can Of Boom”
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 28 2012 16:00 GMT in Natural Selection 2
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We all like robot battlesuits. Yes, even you, Steve. So it is with whirr-stomp gladness that we are able to reveal Natural Selection 2‘s exosuit. Yes, it’s a robot suit, with a man inside, with guns for arms. And it is clearing away aliens like a leaf-blower at work in the park. Unknown Worlds explain the wider context of this auto-death machine: “Along with this mechanized pain train, the impending Exosuit patch includes a brand new map: Veil. The patch is also packed with bug fixes, balance adjustments, and performance improvements. The physics system has been completely overhauled. A new hint system gives greater accessibility for new players, while a menu option allows experienced players a clear HUD. New commander UI’s are making it easier for those of you who aspire to lead, and a new power grid system will allow you to place structures more deftly.”

Instant beta access is available with a pre-order.(more…)

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