Modern Warfare 3 DLC's final assault on Xbox 360 next week (plus: PS3 gets stuff too)
Posted by Joystiq Aug 31 2012 01:00 GMT in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
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On September 5, Call of Duty Elite premium subscribers on Xbox 360 will get their final three maps for Modern Warfare 3: Gulch, Boardwalk and Paris. If you're not a premium member of Activision's DLC delivery service, you can get these three new maps and two previously released stomping grounds - Parish and Decommission - in Content Collection #4 for 1200 Microsoft Points ($14.99). This is the final map pack for Modern Warfare 3.

Elite premium members on PS3 also get some new content next week on September 6, namely a pair of Special Ops maps - Light 'Em Up and Special Delivery - and the new Special Ops Chaos Mode, a wave-based variant on Modern Warfare 3's vanilla Survival mode.

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