The PC Is Undead: Guild Wars 2 Ascendant
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 03 2012 12:00 GMT in Guild Wars 2
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Here’s the exciting news: Guild Wars 2, a PC-only videogame, is number one at UK retail this week. Eurogamer reckon it’s the first PC game to have that honour since Football Manager 2011 and StarCraft 2 both pulled it off in 2010. (Diablo III was held off by Max Payne 3, although, as has to be qualified every bloody time with these kinds of stories, digital sales were not included, therefore the entire chart is basically irrelevant anyway.)

Here’s the confusing news: apparently it sold less than Star Wars: The Old Republic did in launch week, despite being at least twelve times better than it. However, once again this does reflect retail-only sales, so means basically nothing – especially as NCSoft have been running a digital pre-purchase scheme for the game for yonks now.(more…)

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